14 Mart 2013 Perşembe

Tense Review

A) Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets in the PRESENT CONTINUOUS or
1. Please be quiet. I ………………………………… (try) to read the paper.
2. This is a very quiet town. Where ……………………………………. (people / go) in the
3. John ……………………………. (drink) milk every night, but now he …………………...
(drink) tea.
4. What ………………………………………. (you / do) with all that paper and glue?
5. I …………………………………….. (not / use) the computer at the moment so you can
use it.
6. ………………………………………………………. (Karen and John / ever / write) to
B) PRESENT CONTINUOUS or PRESENT SIMPLE in context. Put in the right form of
the verb in brackets:
Laura : Hello, George! What ……………………………………… (you / do) these days?
George : Hi, Laura. I ……………………………….. (learn) French and Spanish at college.
What about you?
Laura : Me? Oh, I ……………………………… (work) at a Travel Agency until August.
George : ………………………………………. (you / like) it?
Laura : Yes, I do. I …………………………… (work) in the shop most mornings, and
three afternoons a week the manager ………………….. (tell) me about the travel
business. I …………………… (work) quite long hours. I ……………………….
(not / get) home until six, but I ………………………. (prefer) that to not having
enough to do.
George : Yes, I …………………………… (work) hard too at the moment.It ………………
(become) more and more difficult to get a job using languages. They …………….
(ask) for higher and higher exam grades all the time.
Laura : You can do it, George. You ……………… (be) clever.
George : Thanks. Laura.

C. Fill in the blanks to complete the movie review. Use the correct tense of the verbs given:
Last night, I saw a good movie. The title of the movie was E.T. It was an excellent film. To
my surprise. I ….. laughed ….. (laugh), I ……………………… (cry), and I …………………..
(worry) about the little creature from space, and I completely …………………………. (enjoy)
the show.
The story is about an extraterrestrial person named E.T. He ………………………. (land) on
earth in a flying saucer. But his space ship …………………………. (depart) without him. A
little American boy ………………………… (discover) E.T. They …………………….. (play)
together and they ………………………….. (like) each other a lot. But E.T. ……………………
(miss) his home. He ……………………….. (want) to go back. He ………………………. (plan)
his return trip, but then …
Well, go and see this excellent summer film and find out about E.T.

Use the correct form of the verbs:
1. The Bartons ……………… (go) to the mountains last weekend. While they ……………...
(have) lunch, a man ……………………. (fall) down the tree. They ……………………… (take)
him to the hospital in their car. They ……………………………………… (visit) him twice in
the hospital since that time. The man ………………….. (be) better now and the doctors say he
………………………………….. (leave) the hospital soon. When The Bartons …………………
(visit) him yesterday, they ………………………. (take) him a bunch of flowers. The man
…………………. (be) very happy and …………………………. (thank) them. Mr. Barton now
says he ……………………………………. (spend) the next weekend at the seaside and he
…………………………… (hope) there …………………………………. (not / be) any more
2. I …………………………. (finish) school last month and I ………………………………..
(not / have) a job yet, but fortunately I ……………………. (have) a job interview tomorrow. I
usually ……………………. (get) up early so often …………………….. (sleep) at around half
past ten. I …………………. (be) a little excited last night and because of this I ………………..
………………………….. (want / watch) TV before I ……………………… (go) to bed. There
………………….. (be) a film about birds on TV and while I ……………………………… (sit)
on the sofa, I …………………….. (fall) asleep. …………….. you …………………. (have) a
terrible dream? Well, I …………………. (have) one last night. In my dream I ……………. (be)
a parrot and my apartment flat …………….. (be) on the tenth floor of a big building. A big cat
……………………………………….. (want / catch) me so I …………………………………..
(begin / fly). I …………………….. (have) nowhere …………………… (go) because the door
………………… (be) locked. Suddenly the cat ………………………… (attack) me. It nearly
…………………………. (kill) me. While I ……………………………. (shout) in pain,a voice
……………………(say), “ ………………… you ………………….. (see) my books? I can’t
find them.” When I ……………………… (open) my eyes, I ……………………. (feel) very
happy ………………. (see) my sister. Of course she …………………………………. (not /
understand) the reason but I ………………………… (give) her a big kiss.

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