14 Mart 2013 Perşembe

Rewrite Exercises

Rewrite the Sentences by using the words in brackets.
1. Mr. Short used a long ladder. He wanted to reach the high ceiling. (so that)
2. My father gave me extra money. He didn’t want me to borrow any from my friends.
(in case)
3. Andrew’s friends visited him. They wanted to congratulate him on his graduation.
(in order to)
4. I’m learning English. I want to get a better job. (to)
5. The driver stopped. Then the children could cross the road. (so that)
6. Tom put the cream in the fridge. That would keep it cool. (to)
7. Mark is going to repair the roof. Then the rain won’t come in. (so that)
8. We often switch off the heating. It saves money. (in order to)
9. Pamela wore boots. Her feet wouldn’t get wet. (so that)

10. They have a car, but they rarely use it. (though)
11. He was innocent, but he was sent to prison. (although)
12. He was a number of relatives living nearby, but he never visits them. (even though)

13. He stayed up late, even though he was very tired. (despite)

14. He stayed outside in the cold weather, even though he felt ill. (despite)
15. People continue to smoke, even though they know the dangers. (in spite of)

16. It rained this morning. The children played in the garden. (while)
17. What did you do? The doorbell rang. (when)
18. I walked along Main Street. I realized a man behind me. (when)
19. I started to play football when I was five. (since)
20. The windows are dirty. I last cleaned them last month. (since)
21. He last shaved a week ago. (for)
22. Maybe the train leaves at six. I don’t catch it. (If)
23. He went to London. He wanted to work there. (to)
24. No sound could be heard. The walls were very thick. (because)
25. My bed is terribly hard. I can’t sleep well. (so ……… that)
26. We bought this house in 1990. (since)
27. He may come late. He will call us. (If)
28. Paris isn’t as crowded as New York. (more)
29. You can't go out if you don't wear your coat. (without)
30. You will get higher grade when you study more. (by)

Join each pair of sentences using SO / SUCH ….. (THAT):
1. It was a very warm evening. We had dinner outside in the garden.
2. He was very nervous. He couldn’t eat anything.
3. Our neighbours’ party was very noisy. We couldn’t sleep.
4. The restaurant was very crowded. They couldn’t find anywhere to sit down.
5. We were all having a good time. We didn’t want to stop.
6. He’s got a very good memory. He never needs to write anythind down.

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