14 Mart 2013 Perşembe

Relative Clause Activities

Join the sentences using WHO, WHEN, WHERE, WHICH or WHOSE:
1. She’s the girl. She works in the library.
2. Corfu is an island. It has many beautiful beaches.
3. Here’s the alarm clock. I bought it yesterday.
4. I’ve spoken to John. His house was burgled last Monday.
5. That’s the lady. Her jewellery was stolen.
6. That is the radio. I won it in the competition.
7. John is the man. His house was destroyed by the fire.
8. There is the hospital. I was born there.
9. That was the summer. I met my wife then.
10. That is Fiona Webb. She is a famous dancer.
11. France is the country. The best wine is produced there.
12. 1945 was the year. The Second World War ended then.
13. That’s the hotel. I stayed there last summer.
14. August is the month. Most people go on holiday then.
 Complete the conversation using WHO, WHICH, WHOSE or WHERE:
Simon: Hi Nigel! Where did you go on holiday?
Nigel : I went to Greece …where ….. I had a nice time.
Simon: Did you see anything exciting?
Nigel : Yes. I went to the Acropolis, …………………. is very famous. I also went to the
place …………………the first Olympic Games were held.
Simon : Did you meet anyone interesting there?
Nigel : Yes. I met a girl ……………….. was from England. She knew a Greek family……...
lived in Athens and she took me to meet them. They were a very rich and kind
family ………………. friendliness made me feel very welcome.
Simon : It sounds like you enjoyed yourself!
Nigel : Yes, it’s a place ………………. I would like to go back.

Complete the sentences with WHO / WHICH / WHERE / WHOSE:
My friend ……………….. took me to a restaurant works in a big shop ……………… sells
expensive shoes. The restaurant ……………………. we had lunch was very modern. The food
………………….. they served was excellent. The waiters ………………….. shirts were silk
were always busy with the customers …………………… wallets were full of money.
The table ………………… we had was near a window, so we could see the cars …………….
were parked by the rich customers ourside the restaurant. They were being watched by a young
man in uniform.
After we had finished the meals, the waiter …………………my friend called came with a
small silver box …………………. he had already put the bill in. When my friend took the bill
out of the box, he opened his eyes in surprise because he had never had to pay so much money

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